Inside the 2014 Techwomen Emerging Leaders Program

IMG_2926Techwomen is an Initiative of the US department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, which empowers, Connect and support Women around the world, who are leaders in STEM fields. By STEM, you should understand: Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. As a Techwoman Emerging Leader from Cameroon, I (Dorothée Danedjo Fouba) really appreciate this opportunity in USA, with amazing and wonderful Techwomen mentors and mentees.

IMG_2902I’m hosted by a big Open Source company in the world: Mozilla Corporation. Every weeks of this month in San Francisco and Mountain View Offices, I’ll improve my skills in Open source, digital tools, webmarketing, managing a Tech community and more interesting things there. I began by learning how to blog with The Open Standard platform, one of new babies products of Mozilla for Journalists and Blogger. At the end of this program, I expect to be more professional than now in STEM fields and want to come back to my country with a prototype of a multimedia teaching platform I have in Project since 2013. A platform which can help African journalists, Communicators and Startup-ers to have some free and open source tutorials and online tools for their work.

                                              About Dorothée Danedjo Fouba

Dorothee is a Multimedia Journalist, media educator engineer and blogger working in Online Journalism and the IT sector. As a journalist, Dorothee works with the Cameroonian Ministry of Communication (General Inspection) and is a Communication advisor and Consultant for the Center for Development of Best Practices in health in her country. She also manages since 2011 a blog which focuses on IT issues and the use of technology for communication and social media. She strives to make these tools more accessible to professionals, while also sharing techniques on best multimedia practices for journalists in the digital world. Additionally, Dorothee participates in the organization of BarCamp Cameroon, an association of individuals interested in web and IT issues. She trains women engineers at Ingenieris Cameroun as a community and capacity building manager. Dorothee has won four international awards for her work in ICT (Best African ICT Blog 2012&2013 and African FOSS Reporter Award in 2012 and in 2010 as a Finalist). After the Techwomen Programm, She is already enrolled as a Finalist in African Story Challenge 2014, Business and Technology category. Dorothee holds a Master Degree in Computer Science and Communication and a Bachelor Degree in Journalism.

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3 réponses à Inside the 2014 Techwomen Emerging Leaders Program

  1. Ping : When lightning talks are opening open access to a helpful Internet | DorothyDaf

  2. Ngassa Sophie dit :

    Hello Dorothy,
    Congratulation on your great job,i wish you success in your aspirations.Happy new year 2015.Thanks

  3. AMADOU Justin dit :

    Shalom et bonne et heureuse année 204! Félicitations!
    Grande est ma joie de voir Dieu utiliser son enfant par des oeuvres incommensurables pour sa gloire. Ceci est la preuve que notre Dieu peut se servir de quiconque qui se dispose et se laisse utilisé par lui. Il peut le faire au-delà de nos capacités, nos limites et nos frontières. Je bénis le Seigneur pour ce qu’il a commencé dans la vie de Dorothée puisse davantage l’accomplir; et à travers elle, que les « yeux »des camerounais(es), des africains(es) et de reste du monde soient illuminés à découvrir le plan merveilleux de Dieu pour leur vie. Pourtant, on peut faire des grandes choses sans Dieu: c’est un mauvais exemple; mais alors les choses qui demeurent et ont des portées éternelles ne peuvent s’accomplir qu’avec Lui et Lui Seul. Si tu veux davantage savoir sur « le plan merveilleux de Dieu dans ta vie », écris à l’émail: Je dis encore merci à Dorothée pour son courage, sa détermination, ses expertises dans les recherches et sa disposition à exploiter les dons de Dieu dans sa vie. Je dis merci à ses parents qui l’ont élevée, à ceux qui, de près et de loin, ont contribué à sa formation professionnelle, scientifique et spirituelle. Dans la Paix du Seigneur!

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